
Everything breathes together

[Thema Mundi]

Embodied Self Relational Self Spiritual Self Cosmic Self

Embodied Self

In a state of Embodied Self, we can turn our attention inward and take in, moment by moment, all that we experience in life, staying present to every sensation. Embodiment is a complex dance where our entire bodies communicate and resonate in connection.

“Craniosacral” is just another word for this Self that is constantly interacting with life. Learn more about Craniosacral Therapy here.

Relational Self

The Relational Self refers to aspects of the self associated with one’s relationships with others. All the skills of Psychotherapy are skills of our Relational Self. We are not separated, we are profoundly nested relationaly in each other. I am because you are.

To learn more about Psychotherapy, Mentoring and Supervision sessions, click here.

Spiritual Self

Meditation and spirituality is a way to learn to open up to something much larger than ourselves: our Spiritual Self. It is the authentic self, our unconditioned part.

Learn more about Dharma and Meditation classes here.

Cosmic Self

Astrology puts us in touch with what is moving out there in the grater Whole. The same thing that is out there is also happening somaticaly in our bodies, in our selves, in our dreams and relationships. Our Cosmic Self is a connection between ourselves and the multi-dimensional Cosmos, that which is happening in the totality.

To learn more about Natal and Horary readings, please click here.