
(Our Cosmic Self)

“The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky… Everything in the world is full of signs… All events are coordinated… All things depend on each other; as has been said, ‘Everything breathes together'”
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These past four years I began looking at hermeticism and alchemy wich led me to a deep fascination with Medieval and Renaissance Astrology and Thought. Jung (Carl Gustav Jung, 1875-1961) once said that when he felt stuck with a client he would look over their birth charts. So, blessed by a good teacher, I began studying the medieval ways of determining soul and character, finding in the symbolic language of astrology the timing of crisis and illness, renewal and redemption. Instead of only seeing us as psychological creqatures, I have begun observing how events would manifest in time. 

Learning to read the moment symbolically, the lesser known divinatory branch of horary astrology, has gradually opened me up to deeper ways of listening to what in that soul needs to be heard. Classical pre industrial thinking takes for granted that we are embedded in a living participatory universe where our simplest thoughts and intentions are co-participating in a greater unfolding.

I offer horary and natal readings online and free of charge.