
My name is Norman Kjellerup Hansen, affectionately known as Suvaco (pronouced “Suvacho”).

My name “Norman” was given to me from my grandfather, who came to Denmark from Yorkshire. I feel close to this ancestor and I am grateful to carry his name. “Kjellerup” is a small town in Jylland, Denmark, where my father’s clan emigrated from, settling in Copenhagen during the Industrial Revolution. And “Suvaco” was the name given to me when I ordained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand. It means “beautiful speech”. I can’t say I’ll ever live up to it, but the name stuck and many friends call me by that name. It is a good reminder to keep practicing Dharma.

In this karmic round, I entered the world in December 1966, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Although danish by ancestry, I did my schooling in Italy but lived almost 30 years in the UK. During my life I also lived in Switzerland, Italy, China and Thailand. I grew up exposed to various cultures, smells, languages. If anything, I feel myself as European.

The years living in China and as a Buddhist monastic in Thailand have also profoundly shaped me. I now live in Christianshavn, a beautiful area of Copenhagen right by the sea. The light, the birds and the water are some of the things, other than human people, I am very close to.

The many shapes I took in this life include a punk rock drummer, squatter, anarchist, Buddhist monk, social worker for homelessness, environmental activist and conscientious objector. But fundamentally I am a psychospiritual mentor, a supervisor and a psychotherapist.

I am so grateful for the many people I have had the honour to travel alongside as they taught me how to be with them, liberating Eros and Logos.

I am also a meditation teacher. After all the years I’ve meditated, it became second nature to share the skills of liberation. Meditation and Tai Qi remain my closest friends, they seem to always give if I give them due respect.

I also work as a Byodinamic Craniosacral practitioner. Such a beautiful and direct way to let go of what the body holds.

My other great passion is my work as a predictive Classical and Renaissance astrologer.