Craniosacral Therapy

(Our Embodied Self)

“Be still and know.”
                – William Garner Sutherland

“Everything breaths together”. All life is movement. We are not a discreet form in motion as we might think we are, but we are more accurately motion in form. We are an expression of this Movement. 

Everything in our bodies is moving rhythmically through pulsation. This rhythmic pulsation organizes as tides. Death occurs when motion comes to an end.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful touch therapy engaging with the whole person and facilitating change in body, mind, emotion and spirit. A safe holding space is created between therapist and client allowing for the deepest sense of being heard and met.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful touch therapy engaging with the whole person and facilitating change in body, mind, emotion and spirit. A safe holding space is created between therapist and client allowing for the deepest sense of being heard and met.

Both acute and chronic conditions can respond well with BCST: headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, muscular skeletal pain, anxiety, trauma, sleep issues, persistent grief, support with autism and mental health issues, relational difficulties, spiritual crisis, to name a few.

Anxiety is so common it can come to feel normal. You can never deeply settle, sleep isn’t so refreshing, thoughts are persistent and scattered and life feels like surviving rather then thriving. Does this sound familiar?

Maybe you’re haunted by memories, or you find yourself over-reacting to non threatening situations. Or you are plagued by irritability, depressiveness, social withdrawal or anxiety. Trauma can cause mistrust, tension and difficult communication in our relationships.

It is now recognised that many of us live with unresolved traumas. Trauma which is essentially overwhelm can be caused by a single dramatic event, or during our early years in utero or at birth, including attachment and relational trauma as well as build up over time from a series of challenges.

Fortunately we are also resilient and adaptable. But, just like we take care of our teeth by brushing and visiting a dentist our nervous systems need to be cared for, so we can process and transform whats being held in the body. Biodyanamic Craniosacral Therapy can be very effective in down regulating our nervous systems to a more neutral and resilient place. Because traumatic effect gets patterned into our body and neurological system, the most effective approaches combine verbal and relational therapy with the somatic body based approaches to facilitate a deeper meeting Being to Being.

The possibilities in someone with a well regulated nervous system are great. For someone who lives life feeling numb, or ready to run or fight at the slightest stimulus, the possibilities are far fewer.

This is a fully clothed therapy and suitable for all ages.

Session location: Copenhagen 
Duration: 50 minutes
Recommended frequency: once a month
Price: 70