Dharma & Meditation

(Our Spiritual Self)

“There is no term in Buddhist terminology wider than Dhamma. (…) There is nothing in the universe or outside, good or bad, conditioned or non-conditioned, relative or absolute, which is not included in this term.”                                                                                                    – Walpola Rahula, Theravada monk and scholar, in What the Buddha Taught.

When I was 23, I enroled myself in a Buddhist Monk Monastery in northeast Thailand, where I stayed for a few years. If you ask me why did I join, I’ll tell you that that was the least crazy way to live a life. There, you refuse any form or shape to join the production, and you just concentrate on developing good qualities and skills. Qualities of the heart, meditative qualities for self and others. It’s a good way to spend a life.

At the moment, I work as a Dharma and Meditation teacher, offering individual mentoring, guided meditations online and group retreats.

During a session, I’ll envite you to experience the present moment, including thoughts, feelings and body sensations, in a way to bring awareness to your unique self. I also provide guidance for meditation and spiritual practice, supporting you with moving past confusion and achieving enlightenment.

To know more about guided meditations and group retreats, please click here.